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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Day 12

Today I made Baked potatoes stuffed with bacon, anchovies and sage.

After work today, I went to michael angelos again to shop for some potatoes and sage. I wanted a apple corer but they didnt have one! So I had to improvise and use a conventional peeler.

The stuffing of the potato was actually harder than I thought it would be. Keeping everything intact was challenging and at one point I was going to give up. I felt like I was an impostor and I never try to be better than someone else. I always learn from others. I shouldn't get too involved in things I have no control, it will adversely affect over the things I do have control.

So I did what my old pops taught me and that was to understand what you are doing and put your heart into it. Thats all I need.

To me success is peace of mind, attained only through self satisfaction knowing that I made the afford to do the best of what I'm capable.  I think and do believe that is success. It' character and character is important!

Faith and patience. Things will work out as they should, providing we do what we should.

Anyways, I popped it in the oven and baked it for an hour. Turning my potatoes every so often for that golden brown look.

Its been a long day.
I will let some of my pictures to do the talking.
Keep your eyes on the potato and the knife



my babies
It tasted great. 


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