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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Don't look where you fall, but where you slipped

So yesterday night, she came over and I cooked dinner for us. It was a whole new experience for me since I only used reicpes off the top of my head (which wasn't much) and didn't have enough time to make dessert. I started off with a nice refreshing salad packed with three of my favourite flavours. (sweet citrus, sour citrus and honey)

Michael Smith's prosciutto wrapped salmon

Here's what you need for the salmon:

375 F
4 salmon fillets
60 ml fine grain mustard
sea salt
freshly ground black pepper
4 slices of prosciutto

Now the salmon was okay, it was'nt great and I was a bit hesitant with the mustard because I was afarid the taste would be too strong. Turns out, it wasnn't enough and it evaporated during the baking process. The good side to this was, inside of the salmon was nice and juicy! It was done just right and she loved it of course. My mom gave me a thumbs up for approval on both dishes and she even wanted more.

fusion of kitcehn best of the best and jamie oliver ( so I guess you can say this was a Daniel oliver dish haha)

Blah weekend coming up and I can't wait. Here's a bonus for you guys. I finally got my book in, I designed the cover and the contents. Look out for it! =)


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