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Friday, December 24, 2010

Day 21 - Prelude

Today was only a half day for me at work and I had a fantastic morning. One of my best clients, Rik from winsafe popped in and asked us what we wanted from tim hortons! He showed up with two boxes of treasure, it really felt like the holiday spirit was among us.

Then at lunch time, I went over to woodstone with my number 1 fan and we exchanged Christmas gifts! So cute eh? Haha.

Tonight, I want to make meringue again and I'm trying to prep for sunday. Its my big day and I want my friends to enjoy it. I want my food to sing and speak to them. (so cheesy)

When I got home, I received praises from him regarding how I prepped the food. I was in disbelief and shock. I wasn't use to it at all and it didn't feel right. Maybe he was being nice to me. I want him to continue pushing me and hating me. (well not hating me but you get what I mean)

Blah tonight is a big Christmas family dinner. I hope I can still cook what I want to tonight.

I'm a fighter and I will keep fighting.

From Rik

Just what I needed! From my #1 fan =)

Oh and a little holiday spirit to add to my wall


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