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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Fill Me In

Christmas is finally here, how can you tell? Welp, there is snow, cold winds and a christmas tree! Oh and of course, some cookies. =) After a long work day and the car thing al sorted out, I decided to continue with my Anna adventure and bake some more cookies out of her baking book.

This one was no easy task, I thought a food processor could be replaced with a blender that has "pulse" function to it. Boy was I wrong, it took so long to get everything nicely blended in and consistent. I almost broke my blender while I was at it. Anyways, this recipe was quite straight forward and easy, I recommend you try this yourself when you get the chance.

Pistachio Snowball Cookies
580 ml all purpose flour
250 ml roasted pistachios
80 ml sugar
1 ml salt
310 ml unsalted butter
5 ml vanilla extract

It doesn't look that great in this picture but I assure you that it tastes great. My grandma can testify to that, she one some this morning. =)


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